Marco Camisani Calzolari
Marco has been involved with the Communication industry since 1993, namely, as a University Adjunct Professor and Academic Scientific Advisor in Digital Communication & Transformation, in addition to being a Keynote Speaker and Writer on the subject. He was originally born in Milan, naturalised British, and now lives in London. Marco is also a Digital Advisor for multinationals. As a Digital book writer, he has authored several publications on Digital Strategy and Communication and he is a regular contributor to many magazines related to digital-related topics, as well as a host and personality on various national TV and Radio channels where he is a long-established name.
Il Prof. Camisani Calzolari, riceverà il PREMIO INNOVAZIONE
Giovedì 12 Ottobre 2023 alle ore 16.30 presso la Sala Digipass della Biblioteca Comunale di Terni – Piazza della Repubblica 1.
Il premio sarà consegnato durante la cerimonia pubblica da
Mons. Francesco Soddu, Vescovo della Diocesi di Terni, Narni, Amelia.